...of the people,
for YOU the people.
🇺🇸💖 Thank you for Voting 💖🇺🇸
Thank you for Supporting me and the VISION I have for the USA and its people.
The Election is NOT over.. 👍🏻👍🏾👍🏼👍🏿🇺🇸
... I know that's not what you wanted to hear 😂 Next week will bring the sentencing of Donald Trump and the LAST BALLOT COUNTS from PROVISIONAL BALLOTS and ABSENTEE BALLOTS.
We have a long way to go until January 20th, 2025 and the next President says the Oath of Office.
Some more dirt was uncovered too on the whole process so maybe it's time to change the way we vote.
If you read MY DESCRIPTION BELOW here it talks about coloring in an oval, I don't know about you but when I went to vote it was on a computer and there was no oval... there was a square and I just had to click and it was check marked I think. it wasn't on paper, it was directly on a computer.
😥So we have computerized voting in West Virginia really high-tech stuff, but our roads are a nightmare. That tells you where the priority is. Hiding the votes! no transparency! SHAME on you West Virginia, the Election division everyone who voted to get those machines, and the Secretary of State who approved it and probably the Governor too!
Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves at the "state" of our Union, shame on the Democrats and the Republicans for what they've done to our country...
(Don't forget to COLOR IN the dot ⚫ next to my name, so that YOUR VOTE GETS COUNTED. Also pick a VP for me from the VP is available on the list above or elsewhere and put their name in the space provided too.)
Meet Susan Buchser-Lochocki, Candidate for WV District 2, for U.S. Congress
Sat, Feb 05
|❤MOVED to online /a VIDEO coming soon 🌨❄🛑
Of the people, for the people.
Time & Location
Feb 05, 2022, 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
❤MOVED to online /a VIDEO coming soon 🌨❄🛑
About the event
I will introduce myself, share with you some of my thoughts and ideas, answer some questions and then I'd like to hear from you, the people. ❤
What are your ideas? What are your thoughts about our government? About right or wrong? About what I/we can do about making life better for all of us here in West Virginia, and the USA?
RSVP is a MUST! All are WELCOME, but space is VERY LIMITED (my home is not very big, its cozy.) Sorry but it's so, only room for 6. Its just the first OPEN HOUSE, I promise there will be more meetings and events coming soon. I'm just getting started.😊
MASKS ARE REQUIRED, we will be sitting close to eachother. However, there is NO VACCINATION NESSECARY, but please cancel your reservation if you feel sick, THANKS for your understanding.
A light snack and beverages will be provided ❤💃👍🇺🇸🤙
Okay so PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SEAT at the table. Im looking forward to meeting you on Saturday. 👍😊✌
PS my 2 dogs will be here too. 🐾🐾❤